The park is noted for hosting campfire circles.
When this is completed, the Pioneers slip away and form a ladder on either side of the trail leading to the main campfire circle.
One in the center of camp, one at the main campfire circle and a third secret one.
Not all clubhouses and locker rooms are cozy campfire circles.
They stopped at the edge of the campfire circle, stood in silence for a moment, looking us over, taking us in.
There was no sound from the others as Tony walked stiff-legged to his backpack at the rim of the campfire circle.
Other planned amenities include a campfire circle, restrooms, and a parking lot with space for food trucks.
They had been reserving amphitheaters, campfire circles and other public gathering places long in advance.
It is believed that "Fast Pam" is buried near the campfire circle.
The darkness at the edge of the campfire circle was rimmed by shining eyes.