After six months, The State News cancelled the comic strip despite support from some readers.
A total of eight issues were publish until the comic was canceled due to distribution problems, despite relatively good sales.
The fact that the session was not canceled despite the unease caused by the President's kidnapping was a mark of support for the country.
The series was canceled despite ranking 26th for the season with an average household share of 20.2.
The network canceled the show after 26 episodes, despite the worldwide publicity it received.
The bride's mother cancels the marriage, despite the father's protests.
Indeed, the game could well have been canceled, despite unprecedented precautions.
But that doesn't negate the fact that the show was canceled on commercial television, despite widespread protests by critics and viewer organizations.
It was canceled during the "DC Implosion" of 1978, despite respectable sales figures.
The Tsar ordered general mobilization canceled on July 29 despite his chief of staff's objections that this was impossible.