The best I got was--finally--a confirmation that my cancellation request had been processed, a week or more after my request.
If you wish to close your Deposit Account, please state that in your cancellation request.
In Windows Vista the application may issue a cancellation request.
AOL admitted no wrongdoing in the settlement but said it would no longer tie bonuses to success in deflecting cancellation requests.
Book dealers must certify their customers' cancellation requests.
On 3 June for example the Dutch travel agencies reported they received no cancellation requests from clients, and said they don't see any dangers in traveling to Turkey.
The cancellation request must come from the Servicer of the mortgage to the PMI company who issued the insurance.
The Postal Service encourages collectors to obtain the stamps and affix them to envelopes before submitting cancellation requests.
If the cancellation request is accepted, our Officer will retain the removal authority.
You can do this online or fax or phone in your cancellation request.