While the urologist the H.M.O. recommended hadn't operated on a Wilms' tumor, he had removed cancerous kidneys, Mr. Pena said.
Kevin Gilbride, the Oilers' offensive coordinator, underwent surgery Thursday to remove a cancerous kidney.
On May 8, 2009 Berry went through a surgery to remove his cancerous kidney, which turned out successful.
In December 2010 Billy underwent a major operation for the removal of a cancerous kidney.
Helene Hines, 52, of Lido Beach, N.Y., easily won the women's hand-cycle race in 1:57:27 despite having a cancerous kidney removed seven weeks ago.
Several years ago, Vaughn had a cancerous left kidney removed, and federal disability payments of $760 a month constituted the bulk of the family income.
Four years ago, not just his career but also his life was at stake, when he had surgery to remove a cancerous left kidney.
Last season, Gilbride missed two games after having a cancerous kidney removed.
Doby, who had a cancerous kidney removed last October, yesterday credited Bill Veeck, the Indians' owner, with helping their revolutionary venture succeed.
Ms. Corcoran said she nursed until she was 72 years old, retiring when she had to have a cancerous kidney removed.