Seven years in the making, the chatty, candid memoir is the third of the singer's four books to be published.
Has he considered a more candid memoir?
Who knew when all this raw material would form itself into a brilliant novel, a sad and devastatingly candid memoir?
He found this candid private memoir easy going, covering his childhood, university, life on the Beagle and developing work in science.
"Mirror to America" is a riveting and bitterly candid memoir.
So the friend published a lurid and ostensibly candid globe-trotting memoir, complete with presidential pillow talk.
A bitter, candid memoir by a black scholar who spent his life elucidating American bigotry.
Even more worrying, they sometimes turn those notes into candid memoirs of their White House years.
Richard Wertime's candid memoir of his exceptional authoritarian family is spare as a wiring diagram.
Her candid memoir, Uncommon Knowledge (1994), led to more emotional upheavals with her mother's family and friends.