The other candidates in the race complained that Takei's distinctive and powerful voice alone, even without his image on television every week, created an unfair advantage.
The candidates complained about difficulty in the registration process for the test with long queues at banks where activation coupons were being sold.
Increasingly, candidates and voters are complaining that they feel rushed and shortchanged by the primary front-loading.
Each candidate has complained that information presented in the other's ads includes significant distortions.
On the day of the election three Vice-Presidents and candidates complained of vote rigging.
The other candidates complain that the press likes Senator McCain.
At the meeting, candidates complained about problems in the electoral process, including the possibility that the electoral lists were unreliable.
"We have yet to do the salesmanship and marketing and advertising necessary to advance our brand of politics," the candidate complained.
The presidential candidates complain that the release of the tapes is being manipulated.