The remaining twenty candidates all garnered less than 0.5% of the popular vote.
The other two candidates in the race garnered about 560 votes between them, according to vote totals provided by the lawyers.
No candidate had garnered the required two-thirds of the vote in electoral college in previous two rounds of voting.
The party's candidates garnered a total of 7521 votes.
Two other Republican candidates garnered the remaining 13 percent.
There would have been less if one candidate garnered more than two thirds of the vote in an earlier round.
A third candidate, Rosaire Marie Hall, garnered 19.91% with 8556 votes.
Two other candidates together garnered less than 2 percent of the votes.
No other candidate garnered as much as five per cent of the vote.
Before the Dinkins candidacy, first-time black candidates in racially divided cities had never garnered more than 25 percent of the white vote.