The candle wick influences how the candle burns.
As the candle burns, the wax melts and the follower holds the melted wax in, whilst the stricture rests on the topmost solid portion of wax.
The rate at which a candle burns depends on several things.
It is what happens when a candle burns, when the sun shines and when your stomach digests your lunch.
The most important reason is that as the candle burns, it produces heat.
The magic of the Lightbringer Series as described in the author's blog: "When a candle burns, a physical substance (wax) is transformed into light.
The heat is introduced by a match or whatever is used to "light" the candle; as the candle burns, the heat produced keeps the candle burning.
Images of Roman Catholic saints are dim with grime and soot and scorched with candle burns.
Paintings arrive at the workshop with candle burns, wormholes, deposits of bat excrement and stains from butterflies and spiders.
There is everything from copper pots and colanders to a 19th-century corner cabinet from Alsace, with its original brass hardware and centuries-old candle burns.