Here she cannily plays her natural vibrancy against the anxiety that has worn the young Varya into a permanent high-strung sullenness.
Mr. Trump cannily played on City Hall's desperation to reduce his risk with property tax abatements.
Best known for his appearances in David Mamet's plays, Mr. Nussbaum cannily plays Shylock as an alien who has learned to survive in a hostile environment with a calculated impenetrability.
He cannily plays with the illusionistic depths that emerge from the layering of differently applied areas of paint.
Mr. Mendes plays cannily on the physical similarities between June and Rose.
If you have anything to do with the media in your day to day work, you know you tread a fine line with these things and must cannily play the media hacks at their own game without losing your integrity in doing so.
This well-put-together exhibition presents three who cannily play between the real and the fictitious.
Rick Tocchet played hurt, Derrick Smith played cannily and Ken Wregget played worried as the Philadelphia Flyers once again made do without Ron Hextall.
And Mr. Goodman, while guilty of a few instances of forced comic shtick, cannily plays Tartuffe as a Svengali who has by now so thoroughly hypnotized his victim that he knows exactly how much he can get away with.
The duo's unobtrusive production style is another, and cannily plays to the ego dynamics of pop stars: everybody wants a hit, but nobody wants to be upstaged by the producer.