This is especially so because a new autocephaly changes the canonical order of the whole Church.
The time has come for Orthodoxy in America to move beyond simple affirmation of historical, canonical order.
The struggle to have the archbishopric recognized according to the canonical order and elevated to the rank of a Patriarchate took almost 50 years.
The canonarch preserves the canonical order in the liturgical services through proper use of the Typicon.
The first sentence of each pair shows what can be considered canonical order, whereas the second gives an alternative order that results from shifting:
Most, if not all, of the congregations which go to form the canonical order had, or still have, a correlative congregation for women.
In some of those, a canonical order can still be identified, but in others this is not possible.
This was a period of great prosperity for the canonical order in England, but soon evil days came.
The canonical order must have been introduced into the New World soon after its 'discovery' by Columbus.
In the eleventh and twelfth centuries a great reform and revival took place in the canonical order.