The cantata text was written by Picander.
Ziegler's text in its printed version of 1728 and the cantata text differ, possibly changed by Bach himself.
The latter phrase indicates the possible general use of the work, as the cantata text has no real direct relevance to the scriptural readings.
It is the only cantata text of Helbig which Bach composed.
The cantata text of an unknown poet suggests an influential man who esteemed music.
Otherwise the cantata text follows the thought of the chorale: hate and rejection in the world cannot harm me because Jesus is on my side.
To Bach's listeners, the cantata texts did not seem archaic.
The unknown poet of the cantata text stressed the faith, which made the healing possible.
The cantata text by an unknown poet stays close to the Gospel.
The cantata text relates to the epistle of both Sundays, but shows no connection to either Gospel.