He gives George a blue canvas sling and Vicodin for the nights.
Afterward they lay naked, intertwined against the orange canvas sling of the butterfly chair.
As the ropes were eased over the capstans, the canvas sling slowly dropped toward the deck.
That's all very fine, but what about my canvas sling?
"Wood's over there," he said, indicating the canvas sling beside the fireplace.
The pallbearers came forward and took the weight of the coffin on canvas slings.
The halt-wit carried a double load of wood in a canvas sling over one shoulder.
The coffin was raised in this canvas sling and swung into the back of a truck.
Then the beam swung out over the quarry and lowered a steel cable with a canvas sling on the end.
He pulled the canvas sling off and laid the piece in the dirt, shutting his eyes until the attack of dizziness passed.