The canyons of ruins, the heaps of pancaked houses, formed a front line as static as the valleys and mountains to the east of the city.
The canyons must therefore have formed at a time when endogenic resurfacing was still taking place on Ariel.
Many watercourses do join the Tuolumne River, but their canyons form deep clefts in the sides of the Grand Canyon and descend to its bottom.
The canyon formed about 15 million years ago during the Miocene Basin and Range uplift.
This canyon is located adjacent to Wildcat Canyon and forms the bulk of the watershed for San Pablo Creek.
The river and the rugged canyons which drain into it form a key section of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
Another hypothesis by McCauley in 1972 was that the canyons formed by withdrawal of subsurface magma.
These canyons form by channelized turbidites and generally lose definition with depth because continuous faulting disrupts the submarine channels.
Tributary canyons of the Colorado River form the plateau's eastern and western boundaries, and tiers of uplifted cliffs define the northern edges of the landform.
Desert pavement, bajadas, interior valleys, canyons, dense ironwood forests, canyons and rugged peaks form a constantly changing landscape pattern.