Similar but higher caps would limit the insurers' liability in 2003 and 2004.
The cap would limit the amount a club could spend on player salaries.
The cap on airline activity, one of the few in the nation, limits the airlines to 240 passengers a half-hour.
A standard cap limits the bitrate or speed of data transfer on a broadband internet connection.
The cap limits spending increases to 5.6 to 6.6 percent.
This cap would limit the of money in each health alliance's till, encouraging alliances to squeeze doctors and hospitals to hold down their costs.
More critically, the national cap does not limit the number of stations one can own in a local market.
This year, the cap limits each of the 23 teams to spending a little more than $6 million on player salaries.
It argued that such caps would improperly limit workers' freedom to invest and could drive down a company's share price.
A cap here would probably limit me to 500 or so prisoners.