In 2009-10 the cap rose to £3225 a year to take account of inflation.
In 1989, that cap rises to 50 percent.
Critics said the increase, the maximum allowed under a county law that caps rises in annual spending at 4 percent, would mean higher property taxes.
That's stiff enough; the cap will rise, however, to $1,050 per person ($2,100 per couple) in 1993.
Under law coming into force in February, the cap on unfair dismissal payouts will rise.
And if you are 65 through 69 you can earn up to just $17,000 this year; in 2001, the cap will rise to $25,000.
Hard money will continue to be legal after this year, though the cap will rise to $2,000.
All told, the caps have risen slightly more than 35 percent since their introduction.
His flat cap rose as monstrous horns sprouted from his head.
They all died as the concrete cap on the tank rose 20-30 feet in the air and then came crashing back down, crushing them to death.