An economist's first choice for lowering industrial pollution is usually a cap-and-trade program.
Key administrative aspects of the regional cap-and-trade program are being implemented in 2012.
Under the system, which operates as a cap-and-trade program, each participating facility is given a certain number of emission rights (the 'cap') for free.
Only SO has been administered under a cap-and-trade program.
The method is like that of the cap-and-trade program for sulfur dioxide emissions created in 1990 to control acid rain.
Its main thrust as of 2008, is to develop a region-wide multi-sector cap-and-trade program.
"It's a much more cost-effective approach," he said of the cap-and-trade program.
Proponents argue that a carbon tax is more easy and simple to enforce on a broad-base scale than cap-and-trade programs.
Implement a cap-and-trade program to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
The fact that halibut has returned to restaurant menus in the last decade is a direct result of these cap-and-trade programs.