The Queen had mourned Irion, but governmental business had continued with hardly a pause, capably managed as before by the Electors and Siwann - a strong leader who had already become much more than the traditional Electoral figurehead.
He capably managed the Iranian crisis of the winter of 1945-46 and bravely resisted, on behalf of his department, the onset of McCarthyism.
The home's caring staff included a dedicated Rockland Psychiatric Center social worker and an administrator who capably managed every aspect of the facility.
Benjamin Long was capably managing the dual tasks of ship repair from the pirate attack and unloading the Helena's cargo.
A promotional system which stressed "loyalty to the boss" more than performance put into top management executives who, while hard-working, nevertheless lacked the experience, and in some cases the ability to manage capably or guide the business.
"Elected governments have not been able to manage capably and honestly," Mr. de Leon lamented as his restaurant began to fill.
During Raleigh's absences and imprisonments, Bess capably managed the family business.
Some consultants and scholars consider Cooper a classic model of a diverse and capably managed American manufacturer that zealously improved productivity during the 1980's and has shaped up to compete for and win its share of global battles.
He settled into his duties quickly and efficiently, and capably managed the initial de-escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam; indeed, he apparently strongly influenced Johnson in favor of a de-escalation strategy.