As the standing rows on the entire northern, the lower eastern and the lower western grandstands were converted into seats, the capacity shrank to 42,800.
P. Morgan Chase predicts that United's capacity will shrink 10 to 12 percent next year.
Since the early 1980's, OPEC's idle capacity has steadily shrunk - from well over 15 million barrels to about 2 million barrels today, as demand has grown and few investments have followed.
In contrast, in some commodities like aluminum, capacity has been shrinking in important producing areas like Brazil and the Pacific Northwest.
"With spare capacity having shrunk quite dramatically and a lack of confidence in sales, small businesses are holding back from investment," Mr Pegge said.
"What's going on," said Scotti, the insurance broker, "is the capacity, which is the amount of insurance a team can get on a player immediately, has shrunk to an all-time low."
But the number of tunnels has not increased and their overall capacity has actually shrunk since one tunnel, Mont Blanc, was closed more than two years ago after a fatal fire.
Indeed, the capacity to generate electricity in New England has been shrinking because several nuclear plants are being closed.
His capacity for self-delusion had been shrinking recently.
But the slaughterhouse industry moved to rural regions long ago, and in recent years, the capacity has been shrinking.