The French capital began experiencing severe food shortages, to the extent where even the animals in the zoo were eaten.
If not exactly swinging, the capital is definitely beginning to sway.
Dúbravka was incorporated into Bratislava in 1946 as the capital was beginning to expand.
Foreign capital has also begun to return.
While Rome went into terminal decline, the eastern capital began to grow in wealth and strength.
Within minutes, the western capitals, tongue-tied over their response for the first few hours, began to rally.
Outside capital began to flood into Vietnam after the country gave itself a new, economically progressive Constitution in 1992.
And so capital began fleeing the country.
With continued economic growth and development, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is beginning to experience massive traffic congestion.
On inauguration eve, there were so many parties around town that the capital began to resemble cable television.