In that role she was responsible for the Commonwealth's capital budgeting, planning and monitoring of capital projects.
Dixit & Pindyck showed the value of the method for thinking about capital budgeting.
And mere capital budgeting is not enough.
The real value of capital budgeting is to rank projects.
Dixit & Pindyck used dynamic programming for capital budgeting.
At the same time, it covers typical business-school subjects like managing cash flow, strategic planning and capital budgeting.
It comes down to capital budgeting and cash flow.
EAC is often used as a decision making tool in capital budgeting when comparing investment projects of unequal lifespans.
In capital budgeting, it is the period (usually in years) below which a project's payback period must fall in order to accept the project.
One such area is the field of investment project appraisal, or capital budgeting.