Someone rated a capital E in efficiency.
I'm talking 'bout evil with a capital 'E'.
Shaped like a capital E, it is the largest school in the district.
One represents the establishment with a capital E; the other suggests Vegas lounge acts and racy jokes for when the kids aren't around.
Then ask him to take that extended finger and draw a capital E on his forehead.
The Earth, the original human earth - the earth with the capital E - was his home no longer and never again could be.
Eclecticism (capital E) was once a loose term for post-neo-Classical architecture but is rarely used that way now.
For example, a capital E has three horizontal lines and one vertical line.
The carpark was in the shape of a capital E with the middle stroke missinga long centre span with two wings.
But it might as well have been troublE with a capital E, because of the mischief it led to.