In 2011 the school received a capital grant of over £1.1 million pounds to improve facilities around the site.
Previously, more than half the cost of any building scheme was met from capital grants.
The $350m gift sealed things, but the city offered a choice of large sites and $100m capital grant for infrastructure before that came in.
Part of these totals will include a figure for capital grants made by central government for a specific purpose or project.
The Foundation has made strategic capital grants reflecting its support for the arts and education.
The museum also received $65 million from the city, the largest completed capital grant to a private institution in the city's history.
Today, the White House proposes to raise its capital grants.
At some point in the future it is anticipated that large capital grants will be required.
All this without any capital grant to the owner from the city, and no city contribution of free land.
The Foundation funds a number of programs in addition to its capital grants.