Another rally was held on 25 November in the Malaysian capital led by HINDRAF.
Small-scale riots quickly broke out in the clerical capital of Qum, led by the Rouhollah Khomeini, and in several other cities.
January 3 - During a demonstration in the capital led by wounded soldiers demanding better medical care, the security forces open fire on the demonstrators killing at least one person.
A delegation arrived from Mogadishu, the Somali capital, led by the President of Somalia Legislative Assembly, Adan Abdullah.
He determined to try again with an advance toward the Confederate capital led by Hancock.
He also had an effective well trained imperial army stationed at the capital led by his court eunuchs; this was the Army of Divine Strategy, numbering 240,000 in strength as recorded in 798.
In March 2008, the company also announced it had raised an additional US$60 million in capital, led by an undisclosed set of investors.
In February 1913, a military coup took place in the Mexican capital led by General Victoriano Huerta, the military commander of the city.
On June 17, 1985, Hendricks launched the Discovery Channel with $5 million in start-up capital led by the American investment firm Allen & Company.
After the Japanese occupation, the Indonesian people begun fighting for independence, culminating with the 1 March 1949 general attack on the Dutch-held capital at Yogyakarta, led by Suharto.