And we remain an alternative because those capitalist pigs hold sway almost everywhere, brutalizing the Earth and all of her creatures.
They were bourgeois capitalist pigs and deserved to die.
This connection has politics written all over it (witness the shouts of "Die capitalist pigs" heard around the world).
I don't care if they're capitalist pigs, I'm gonna buy stock in Coke.
In his mind, there was poetic justice in his plan, using the spoiled children of the capitalist pigs as a lethal weapon.
"You would abandon your noble cause of wiping out the capitalist pigs of this world?"
I'd be called a capitalist pig by software entrepreneurs who thought it should be owned by the masses.
"I don't want to be a capitalist pig," she explained.
Three and a half decades ago, the mantra among young people who railed against capitalist pigs and government lies was "the fix is in."