The captain claimed to be a religious man, and men of God did not do such things.
The captain and his crew claimed to know nothing.
In case of infringements, captain may claim free from where breach occurred.
The captain of The Timor claimed the money in court.
Sneaking around off the ships, crew buying personal items the captain claims not to know about.
According to a local contact, the captain claimed he called in at Khurabi for emergency repairs.
There the drums were, pounding away in a rhythm that pulled at her soul, and the captain claimed he couldn't hear them.
The dashing captain had always claimed Anna had brought him fortune.
The captain of U-438 claimed the kill, but postwar analysis shows that it was U-176 which had fired the fatal shot.
A small ship with big sails, she was faster than any warship afloat, or so her captain had claimed.