The captain reduced thrust on the engine, engaged the autopilot after three attempts, and closed the hydraulic circuit.
Tauno felt downright relieved when the captain of the guards drew close and engaged him in respectfully fascinated colloquy.
"But why would the captain and Commander Riker engage in...?"
Therefore there is no night on this- " Tuvok stopped, apparently realizing from Akaar's weary grin that the captain was engaging in a small jest.
A captain in the Baqian army, like other Spanish-speaking officers everywhere, no matter what their politics, engaged in rugged-individualism capitalism.
The captain formed a command of fifteen men and engaged the enemy.
Once a captain engaged in that sort of behavior, he, or she, could no longer expect to be taken seriously by the other passengers.
During those sessions with Hanafaejas, the captain seemed energetic and engaged.
Using his best guess, the captain engaged the shuttle's drive and aimed it downward.
McMurphy and the captain engage in a brief scuffle, then make peace over beers.