For example, a French Minister declares "The euro is not a failure" with the caption reading "I'm using the word "not" in its loosest possible sense".
It came to the attention of the media after his son Christopher Gutheinz gave him a gift of a spinning globe with the caption reading, "Moon Rock Hunter".
Shakira officially confirmed their relationship on March 29, 2011 via Twitter and Facebook, posting a picture of the two with a caption reading, "I present to you my sunshine."
The duo walk away with a caption reading " be continued."
The 12 cartoons were printed with the addition of another depicting other religious figures sitting on a cloud with the caption reading, "Don't worry Muhammad, we've all been caricatured here".
The picture shows a groundhog with a caption reading, "My Birthday is February 2nd."
At the end, a caption reading "Tee hee" is displayed as he is machine-gunned to death.
On one wall of the office is a cartoon of a family of angels, the caption reading, "Daddy, tell us about the time you killed us all in a suicidal rage."
Under the dialogue is a caption reading "'One of These Days' by Pink Floyd."
Above descriptions of the two candidates' positions on various issues was a caption reading "There is a real difference."