Anushka Asthana of The Observer wrote, "This captivating, and terrifyingly honest, book is his attempt to make amends for some of the wrongs he committed.
This captivating book provides an interesting history into the many that occurred and helped shape Madagascar into the country it is today.
In this slender, captivating book, he captures the full arc of his homecoming adventure.
In this captivating book you can feel them blow off the page like dry desert air.
"The Perfect Hour," which takes its title from the romantic ideal that these two never quite attained, is a poignant, captivating book divided into several sections.
The internal reality of this captivating book goes far beyond its contemporary relevance.
My space is limited, though, and we have other captivating books about pianos.
That list is useful only in its blandness: it could not offer a sharper contrast to the living, breathing organism that is Ms. Haigh's captivating book.
This is a useful and captivating book.
A deeply personal film, and at times a touching one, it is a collection of fragments and memories artfully pieced into a quirky, captivating book of dreams.