Only the captive women became friends with her, which caused even more talk and criticism.
All of them had seen what happened when captive white women were returned to white society.
They also wonder whether his wife, a beloved preschool teacher who died in 1999, knew about the captive women.
One of the captive women sat by him, fanning the insects away from his face.
When contact was made with Inkpaduta's group, the officials found that two of the captive women had been killed.
"Our men were bonded to him, and afraid," the captive woman said.
The twenty-two captive women sat close together in four open wagons.
As my vision cleared, I saw we stood in the corridor below the floor with the captive women.
Susie pushed past the two captive women to get the drinks.
You must seem to be a captive woman, chosen for her appearance, afraid to try to flee.