General Howe hoped that capturing Philadelphia, the rebel capital, would end the war at a stroke.
When Howe's forces captured Philadelphia in 1777, he then acted to open the Delaware River to the navy.
But perhaps the most intriguing snapshot from last year's payments captures Philadelphia and Baltimore in the lens.
Therefore, Howe decided that he would first capture Philadelphia in the 1777 campaign, before sending any troops to Albany.
The boarding party remained hidden below in position, prepared to board the captured Philadelphia.
British forces had captured Philadelphia in 1777.
Although Howe successfully captured Philadelphia, the northern army was lost in a disastrous surrender at Saratoga.
It was not: Howe had instead sailed away on his expedition to capture Philadelphia.
General Howe captured Philadelphia in September 1777, occupying the city for 10 months.
In 1777, the British captured Philadelphia.