Of course, until it happens, there will continue to be pulling and hauling on both sides-was "They have captured Savannah.
When the British, in response, captured Savannah on December 29, Houstoun was forced into hiding.
In late December 1778, the British had captured Savannah.
Beginning in late December 1778, the British captured Savannah and controlled the Georgia coastline.
British troops captured Savannah during the Revolutionary War.
Sherman and his troops captured Savannah on December 22, 1864.
They launched their new strategy by capturing Savannah in December 1778.
That December, a British land and naval force captured Savannah.
With the British capturing Savannah and overrunning the coastal counties, the frontier had now become the state.
This activity picked up pace when the British captured Savannah late in 1778, bringing the war closer to the state.