USB capture devices can be another low price, easy to set up, and compatible option.
Whatever capture device was filming the scene zoomed in on those bodies, showing them in gruesome detail.
Those claws were some kind of capture device, a trap.
This last information is provided by the capture device, whereas the rest is implemented by means of image processing.
It includes a USB 2.0 capture device used to convert an analog signal to digital.
I not sure that's a good idea,' Jack said gently, nodding at the capture devices. '
The craft's capture device might be a net or a grab or an aimable suction tube or a scoop.
A glue board is a capture device with a strong adhesive.
Different methods have been proposed to further improve graft survival affected by these later factors mainly by removing capture devices and adding/increasing time on ice.
A capture device then converts them into visible light, which then forms an image for review and diagnosis and health management.