Then he rushed the remaining machine-gun position and captured its crew of four, enabling his platoon to continue its assault.
The next day they captured the 76-ton schooner Erie and its crew of nine men.
We can call the police, have them capture Ralbot and his crew.
During the advance, one of the tanks was captured, its crew captured and then killed.
Things got hot when their paths crossed during a Soviet attempt to capture a sunken American spy submarine and its crew.
We're to capture the ship for analysis and its crew for interrogation.
They managed to capture the Duke and his crew and set Mym free.
By all accounts, the French captured her and her crew, who would be prisoners for five years.
"We put that ship out of commission," Belal explained to him, "and now we're also going to capture its crew."
"Tonight at 29 hours, Belal will attempt to capture the stranger's ship and its crew."