Edo period police used a variety of armor and carried lethal and non-lethal weapons to capture criminal suspects.
Richard Sharpstein, a lawyer for two of the officers, said that the men had on their side laws permitting the police to use deadly force to capture armed suspects.
The United States is also reciprocating by capturing more Mexican suspects, officials from both nations say.
It was an extreme, though safe, method of capturing potentially dangerous suspects and much more humane than even a phaser stun in Odo's opinion.
Iraqi security forces captured several suspects after pursuing their vehicles through the streets of Baghdad, two of the Iraqi officials said.
Police officers trying to capture suspects in a carjacking in East Harlem yesterday traded shots with the men, leaving a bystander wounded.
Prosecutors said the case warranted the cowardice charge because Sergeant Pogany refused to go on missions or interrogate captured Iraqi suspects.
For several months, militia death squads went through villages capturing suspects and taking them away.
In addition the website was run for a short time as part of a sting operation by the FBI to capture new suspects.
Efforts to capture and interrogate terrorist suspects have also resulted in controversy.