"He was captured outside the Vinci parameters."
They were captured about a mile and a half outside the town of Zacapuato, where they were dragging the minivan with a tractor.
They were talking about Isabel Pyne, the girl whom they had captured outside the gate of the estate.
Sons and a grandson of his were captured outside the city by Capt. Hodson, who shot them with his own hands.
He realized now why she had not been tempted by Trent's offer to make her beautiful, when they were first captured outside the Shield.
Captured by a raiding party outside the walls, just like me.
He served in that capacity during the rest of the campaign until he was captured outside Atlanta on July 7, 1864.
Dallas was captured outside a 7-Eleven convenience store in Riverside, California, in March 1987.
General Wheeler had captured control of the Together' ship's armaments-both outside the ship and in.
However he was eventually captured outside La Chabotterie and taken to Nantes for a show trial.