When I turn on the ignition, the indicator lights flash for about 30 seconds and then the car behaves normally.
Each car behaves differently so you never get tired of using the program.
Nissan concluded that "the cars and the battery packs are behaving as we expected."
She was able to coast to the shoulder of the road, where, once parked, the car started and behaved normally.
The car had been behaving all right the night before, when Brian had driven them back from Liz's.
Modern automobiles contain an amazing number of electronic monitoring systems to tell the driver how the car is behaving.
Most cars behave exactly the way they're supposed to, at least the great majority of the time.
But the car wasn't behaving badly (windscreen wipers aside - they'd begun sticking again).
In fact, the car behaves admirably as it always has.
The team experimented by fitting the car with wings, but this had little effect on the way the car behaved.