He moved the hand switch and the car chugged away on a spur.
The doors swung back smoothly, the car chugged back in as far as the bench.
And he put away java the way Terry's car chugged motor oil.
As the car chugged steadily up a narrow, winding road, Wren really wished she were in a better mood, to enjoy the scenery.
Silence, as my car chugged toward Stillwater.
The armored car was chugging back and forth along the highway like some smelly dragon.
The cars and buses can chug through now.
As our car chugged over the 6,000-foot Pennask Summit, we looked out over a remote wilderness.
My car chugged on reassuringly.
She opened the gate for him and watched as the car, having elaborately cleared its throat, chugged away.