The man whose head he had bounced off the car fender earlier was taking his blood pressure.
He sat on the car fender and picked his teeth with a fish bone.
In addition, car fenders and like objects were also produced.
The car fender grazed his thigh, and the bullet went skyward.
A single white hair blew off the car fender and was lost in the night.
She knew there had to be dents in the car fenders.
Tall weeds slapped against the car fenders, and a trickle of fear slid through her chest.
Some sagged to their knees; others propped themselves against car fenders and rallied to return the fire.
The seat shell, made of polypropylene, may end up in a coffee maker, a washing machine or a car fender.
The manhole covers, car fenders or fire hydrants were the bases.