Indeed, in the last two years, they have aggressively pursued cases in product advertising, telemarketing and car leasing, forcing numerous settlements from large companies in each industry.
THE benefits of car leasing are something that have traditionally been considered the preserve of the business sector.
While car leasing has become popular, it is often impossible to determine the true costs because the contracts have never had to follow strict disclosure rules.
Various states have recently gone after deceptive advertising in car leasing, sneaker price fixing, and telemarketing scams.
Since then, the popularity of car leasing has made more late-model vehicles available to the auto makers.
We are looking seriously at the costs of such in-house items as car leasing.
The popularity of car leasing has made it possible for more Americans to switch wheels as rapidly as they change hemlines.
In the United States, vicarious liability for automobiles has since been outlawed with respect to car leasing and rental in all 50 states.
Before you hit the dealerships, arm yourself with the tools you need to understand car leasing.
Leasing of commercial vehicles slumped by 32% to £0.7bn and car leasing fell by 14% to £2.4bn.