They said that they have also received tickets, and in a few cases, had their cars towed.
Now, New Yorkers may be accustomed to having their cars towed behind their backs.
Nobody plans to have their car towed and I simply forgot to grab something).
For example, understanding how different car towing accessories work and knowing different car towing regulations are all important factors to think about.
The fastest car in this country towed by a mule!
What are my car towing options?
There was a tinkling clatter on the road and then a rhythmic jangling as if the car was towing lengths of chain behind it.
On the street, the slightest misstep can lead to a ticket in the blink of an eye, or to having one's car towed.
They noted that the car was towing a two wheel trailer.
The site used to be a junkyard on the so-called bad side of town, where cars towed from Hoboken's parking-starved streets were stored.