Muhammad knew when this caravan's departed from Mecca and waited for about a month for this caravan to arrive at the ambush point.
"The caravan departs from the central staging area by the West Gate an hour before dawn, my lord," said Smith's cousin helpfully.
"The caravan to Et-Raklion departs at newsun!"
"And Brother Francis, you bury him yourself, after, the caravan has departed."
The caravan had departed before noon and struck out at once into unfamiliar terrain, skirting the hills she knew from Azak's hunting trips.
Shortly the entire caravan swung around and departed.
Tuladhar died on the trade route in Tibet a few days after his caravan departed from Lhasa.
The lugal had said as much, when caravan was just departing his father's house.
The caravan had departed a major fortress somewhere south of the Breastwork, its destination the northwestern tip of the Masters' domain.
VI In a long irregular line, herd strung out behind, the caravan departed.