Carbohydrates impact glucose levels most profoundly, and two foods with the same carbohydrate content are, in general, comparable in their effects on blood sugar.
After a meal, the carbohydrate content of the food is broken down to simple sugars, mostly one called glucose ("sweet" G).
Nutritionists have considered that the carbohydrate content of the hot dog bun might act as a sedative to overzealous fans.
Because of high carbohydrate content stems are susceptible to attacks from fungi and insects like powderpost beetle.
A student on a diet, for instance, may only be interested in calories; an athlete may want to know the carbohydrate content.
It has a lower protein content and a higher carbohydrate content than cow's milk.
It is especially important not to reduce the carbohydrate content of the diet.
You can find out the carbohydrate content of packaged food by reading the food label.
The algae's carbohydrate content can be fermented into bioethanol and biobutanol.
This diet was fairly low in carbohydrates, resembling the carbohydrate content of the typical American diet.