They also compare the spending figures to a statewide average and the average for what the cards call "similar districts."
Each player receives 12 cards and 6 cards called the Talon are placed in the center.
At least 30 percent of the hourly employees must sign cards to call for an election.
The variation of the style she followed requires that the reader choose a card called a 'significator' to represent the person being read for.
Because," concluded Yates, "the cards call for only one skeleton.
Wasn't Alvin even now doing just what the cards called for him to do to save himself, going into hiding with the Eight of Cups?
His card just called him an "associate."
This card is called the upcard and becomes the beginning of the discard pile, other wise known as "dead", or no longer in the game.
He also complained about a chart suggesting that Hackensack spent about $2,000 more per child than what the card called "similar districts" in 1989-90.
It is the video adapter, sometimes called the graphics card, that determines how much information can be shown on a monitor.