This has been further impacted by the dramatic popularity of fractional card programs.
Since the card program is likely to be temporary, it said, "requirements should be kept to a minimum."
With all these card programs in the works, the biggest risk facing American Express may be the very complexity of its plans.
The study goes on to discuss moving a purchasing card program to A/P.
About 450 affinity card programs are in operation, with more than 500 others in the development stage.
Citibank imposed an annual fee after the first year, which many analysts say is crucial for banks to maintain profit margins on card programs.
A.T.& T. has said it expects its card program to have a lower level of profitability than banks' programs.
Though the card program is scheduled to end in January 2006, many conservatives want Congress to extend it.
The company is working with Jackson Hewitt on its card program but also promotes prepaid cards for other uses.
But if you are serious about photos, I would suggest purchasing the full version of Picture It or going with a different card program.