He died in Greenwich in 1966 of cardiac causes.
In one recent series, 25% of patients with clinical radiologically defined lacunes had a potential cardiac cause for their strokes.
AF is linked to several cardiac causes, but may occur in otherwise normal hearts.
In Kawasaki's disease, untreated, there is a 1-2% death rate, from cardiac causes.
Other patients with spasm disorders may have the test done to diagnose chest pain thought not to be of cardiac cause.
But scientists who study Syndrome X know that there may well be a cardiac cause of the chest pains even if the angiograms are normal.
Another non cardiac cause of chest pain is atelectasis.
"Tests ruled out any cardiac cause of the vice president's symptoms," the statement said.
However, a left main lesion places a person at the highest risk for death from a cardiac cause.
Oral erythromycin and the risk of sudden death from cardiac causes.