One-quarter of the prescription drugs used in the United States, including potent cancer and cardiac medications, were originally derived from or inspired by rain forest plants.
Most of the patients continued to be treated as heart patients and to receive cardiac medications.
Bufadienolides are also found in a traditional Chinese medication called chan su, used as a topical anesthetic and cardiac medication.
And due to that understanding, we can then target specific cardiac medications to treat problems like heart failure or heart attacks.... not perfect, but pretty well worked out.
Preoperative cardiac medications (β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitroglycerin) were continued until the day of surgery.
A study published in 2006 found that off-label use was the most common in cardiac medications and anticonvulsants.
He was among the scientists named in the patent for Streptokinase, a cardiac medication.
Twenty-six residents were deprived of psychotropic, cardiac and diabetic medication, some for as long as two weeks, with one missing angina pills for a month.
They cannot, however, administer any cardiac medications.