He suggested that all patients with cardiac symptoms should be admitted to an intensive cardiac unit.
However, Pacemaker insertion or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may be required to control cardiac symptoms.
In addition, women with cardiac symptoms are hospitalized less often and undergo fewer diagnostic tests.
It would not be the first time that a common cardiac symptom was thought to be predominantly psychological.
As such they are nervous and muscle poisons that cause various cardiac symptoms.
Again, these conditions may or may not cause obvious cardiac symptoms.
These can be asked only when the patient is not unconscious, which may happen due to cardiac symptoms, or when a third person is present.
However, the cardiac symptoms of "sudden death" could not be evinced by hordenine.
And he himself had experienced cardiac symptoms in the weeks before his death, symptoms of one or more smaller heart attacks that he ignored.
Steere first published about neurological and cardiac symptoms involved in his early studies of Lyme disease in 1977.