Further studies and preferably randomized clinical trials are warranted to establish the cardiovascular profile of NSAIDs.
Ultimately, this trial will help answer the question as to whether Celebrex has a riskier cardiovascular profile compared with naproxen or ibuprofen.
The only perceived advantange of doxacurium over that of mivacurium is its superior cardiovascular profile, with particular reference to the lack of histamine release when administered as a rapid bolus dose.
During the advisory panel meeting, members seemed confused over the cardiovascular profile of the drug, at first appearing to tilt against its approval but finally approving it 8 to 1, with some members urging additional safety studies.
For people who are free of cardiovascular disease, the initiation of therapy depends on where the LDL cholesterol level is in relation to their overall cardiovascular profile.
As a result, steak dinners reminiscent of those days, served by restaurants with salad, baked potato and gooey dessert, have taken on psychological aspects that make them enticing for nostalgic reasons to some but mystical to others, including those with weight problems or dubious cardiovascular profiles.
"The totality of the data show that Avandia has a comparable cardiovascular profile to other oral antidiabetic medicines," the release said.
A study by Harvard and Johns Hopkins researchers found that swapping a diet high in carbohydrates for one that's high in unsaturated fats improved the cardiovascular profile of 164 adults over a six-week period.
Prescription should take into account the person's cardiovascular risk (including risk of myocardial infarction and stroke) as well as blood pressure readings, in order to gain a more accurate picture of the person's cardiovascular profile.
Mivacurium is available worldwide although, in recent years, its use in the United States has declined rapidly in favor of alternative agents perceived to offer a more rapid onset of action and a safer cardiovascular profile when administered in a rapid bolus dose.