At this time, care coordination and transitions of care are the key clinical focus.
EHR do help improve care coordination.
This includes provisions to crack down on fraud, improve care coordination, and prevent disease and illness.
Providers who band together through this model will be required to meet quality standards based upon, among other measures, patient outcomes and care coordination among the provider team.
The five domains are "patient/caregiver experience, care coordination, patient safety, preventative health, and at-risk population/frail elderly health."
Respiratory Therapists provide direct care, patient education, and care coordination.
Hawaii ultimately received a grant to initiate its own emergency care system for children, which improved care coordination with the primary care physician.
In 2010, Amedisys launched the first nationwide home health care transitions program, aiming to reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions through patient education and care coordination.
Payments for better care coordination between home, hospital and offices for patients with chronic illnesses.
Firstly at the patient level, e-referrals ensure significant improvements to follow-up care coordination by the creation of accurate and timely referrals.