However recently the care of the Association has given to the local Bishops.
If there are medical or insurance claims, have them taken care of in order to give yourself some peace of mind and financial freedom.
However, one of my major concerns about personal budgets is that care gives often abdicate responsibility once a service or product has been bought.
My first care was to present myself before the Caliph, and give him an account of my embassy.
Love and care had given Daniel a happier life, yes, but done nothing to cure him.
Medical care gives rise to many claims of trespass to the person.
You'd think she was goin' to be murdered, instead of havin' the best that care can give her.
He also attacked the authors' method of measuring how much free care the hospitals gave.
Finally, there are nursing homes, when the elderly needs more care than you can give them.
I think his extreme care gave us a margin of safety.